
On November 1, 2024, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) updated its Work Zone Safety and Mobility and Temporary Traffic Control Devices rule aimed at enhancing safety and mobility in highway work zones. Changes address the increased need for accommodating vulnerable road users such as workers and pedestrians and considerations for new technologies that have emerged since the rule was last updated 20 years ago. The most impactful update for contractors is the new requirement for positive protection devices, such as temporary concrete barriers, in work zones with high-speed traffic. These barriers are now mandated to safeguard workers during construction, utility,…

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Across the United States, voters are set to decide on numerous transportation-focused ballot measures in the upcoming election. From sales tax renewals to bond measures for road and public transit improvements, these initiatives reflect a growing focus on infrastructure. Here’s an overview of some of the major transportation measures appearing on ballots this November. In California, Proposition 5 seeks to lower the supermajority vote requirement for passing local bond measures to 55%, a change that could streamline the funding process for public projects, including transportation infrastructure. This adjustment, could allow cities and counties to more easily secure funding for essential…

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